Wednesday 18 March 2015

Who Is This Rachael Anyways? | A Little About Me

Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog, and wanting to know more about the person behind it. I'm a normal 24 year old girl, with a passion for beauty, fashion, photography - anything creative really. I'm currently studying in Leeds, West Yorkshire (in good olde Blighty!) in my final year. I wanted to start blogging following a number of people on YouTube and current bloggers who have helped cheer me up and fill my life with all the things I love, especially when I'm feeling depressed. I hope you enjoy what you read on here, as all of it is stuff that is either close to my heart, or stuff that I actually do...I'm not here to make up random blogs that I think people will want to read - when I discover it and love it I will share it!

"I'm not weird...I'm colourful!"

| My Full Name...
My full name is Rachael Heather McKenzie. I always used to get called Kenzie when I was in high school, which amused people because at the time the So Solid Crew were popular and Kenzie was one of the really chavy performers in the group! Needless to say...I didn't follow in his fashion steps!

| My Best Friend...
There are a number of people I could call 'best friends', especially the girls I used to work with who have been there for me for the past few years, no matter what, and my girls from competitions who are all amazing. I was lucky enough to keep two amazing people from primary school, from the tender age of four years old, though, that I would truly consider my best friends. Sarah, intelligent and articulate, always knows how to make me smile and knows almost everything about me - I sometimes thought we were psychically linked, because, without discussing it at all, chose to go to the same high school, sixth form and to the same city for university! And Ally, my darling Ally, will always be the centre of my friendship circle. We have known each other longer than anyone I know, and spent so much time together as children, we even had Christmas Day together once! She knows everything there is to know about me, even though we parted ways educationally at the age of eleven, we have never lost contact and I make sure I see her whenever I go home and talk to her as much as possible. She is the kind of friend I can ring at whatever time of the day and tell anything to.
| My Favourite Colour...
Colour plays a major role in my life, as I love having a variety of colours to brighten my day - my nail varnish collection has every colour under the sun, totalling about 50 varnishes! Though, in a situation where only one colour was allowed, it would have to be Robbin's Egg Blue...a beautiful bluey-green.

| My Favourite Shop...
I discovered a few months ago an amazing homeware shop in Harrogate, a town about an hour away from where I live, called Baytree Interiors []. It's incredibly good value for what they sell and have an amazing selection of random things to fill your home with from kitchenware to furniture to decorative items. They also have a wall of signs with funny quotes on that made me laugh so much! Harrogate is also such a beautiful place and has Betty's Tea Shop <3

| My Birthday...
My birthday is August 5th, I was born in 1990 - proper 90s child right here! I'm a Leo star sign, which fits my personality as I'm an outgoing person and can have a bit of a temper when thing don't go exactly to plan! My Mum always used to say to me, as I was born with platinum blonde hair which got slowly more golden over time, that I looked like a lion. Having a birthday in the summer at my age is fantastic because everyone is generally free to have a get together and the weather is generally hot and sunny - though I used to hate it when I was in school as numbers dwindled at my birthday parties with everyone making the most of the prime-time holiday time and jetted off around my birthday!

| My Hair Colour...
My hair has been every colour you could imagine - for hair at least in the 90s and early 00s. I started off as a platinum blonde, but as that started to go brown when I reached 12 I started dying my hair a golden blonde. By the age of 15 I was in a more punk rocker phase, and the dark brown under layer came into my hair and under my fringe. By 16 my hair was a deep maroon colour, which eventually went to a chocolate brown and then black. When I moved to Leeds for university I bleached it blonde again, and went from there to go back to a dark brown, then auburn, then a copper. Eventually my hair was ombre'd, which I had for a few months before cutting all my hair off (about 7 inches) and am now sporting a natural brown colour - although I would like my ombre back and maybe a more chocolatey brown.

| My Favourite Fashion Style...
Currently, I am absolutely loving Emma Stone. I love the way that she makes simplistic looks amazing. Her casual style is adorable and I love that she always looks comfortable in what she wears and excentuates her curves. If there is one thing I can't stand it's celebrities who wear extravagant dresses that you can see in their faces they are pained. I am also in love with the greys and pastel colours at the moment, especially mixed with a staple bright necklace!

| My Favourite Cosmetic...
I would 100% recommend anyone with dry skin gets the MaxFactor Miracle Touch Liquid Illusion Foundation. I have quite dry skin, but using this product I haven't been getting any of the flaked skin look I sometimes get when I use my other foundations, especially my matt ones. The smell also reminds me of my Nan as it has a slightly talc smell to the natural foundation smell which, and I know this is strange, makes me feel comforted.

I hope you now know a little bit more about me...and check back for updates on my favourite fashion and cosmetics at the moment!  

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