Tuesday 5 May 2015

Boyfriend Birthday Presents | Contains Adult Content


I've got to that point in my relationship when I have brought every graphic novel, Minecraft memorabilia item and power tool I can to please my boyfriend for presents. Also, does anyone else find buying for a twenty-six year old male incredibly difficult? I have resorted, therefore, to buying a mass of present which each have their own disgusting, humorous and parental warning needed as I could.
And what better way to say I love you to a twenty-something male than with Peppa Pip wrapping paper!
What did I get?
All of the present I got were from Men Kind.

I will pre-warm you - these present ideas are for my boyfriend who is incredibly childish when it comes to what entertains him, and like every twenty-something male (at least the ones I know) is fascinated with puzzles and poo - so please be warned:


Cube Words | Puzzle Game
The Cube Words puzzle game I got because it satisfied my boyfriends fascination with puzzles and brain teasers. Like a traditional Rubix cube, you have to turn the cube until parts, only in this game your aim is to make real nine letter words on each side of the cube.

Little Willy Condoms
As all wonderful and fabulous girlfriends, I have taken it upon myself to mock the generosity of my boyfriend endowments, and like any god girlfriend, I got him a present that would come in practical in our relationship... 

Plop Trumps | Card Game
Very similar, and played the same as the popular Top Trumps game, this game appealed to my boyfriends immature side, combining one of his favourite games to play when he was a child with a disgusting element - in this case, different types of animal poo, compared on their frequency, smelliness and hardness. Not a game my mother wanted to play with us!

Impossipuzzle | Jigsaw Puzzle
Less disgusting, but still mind stimulating. I got this impossipuzzle because when I got a Mensa jigsaw from the charity shop, my boyfriend was fascinated by it. Always one to want to prove his intelligence, I thought this would be both appropriate and frustrating for him, and therefore let me have some 'me time' at home.

Caution Cone
Possibly the present my boyfriend found the most amusing, and I'm sure something that any female living with males would appreciate in their home. I have to say I got this for me more than him, as I am sick and tired of unsuspectingly walking into our bathroom only to be greeted by what I can only describe as a sewerage smell - therefore, this sign is so I know when to avoid that situation, thus protecting my little nose.

The Soup System | Soup Bowl and Plate
This was one of the more thoughtful present I got, as my boyfriend is quite a soup connoisseur (or at least he eats a lot of soup) - so I thought having something nice to eat it out of would be good for him.

Robot Mug
Another nice, thoughtful present from yours truly. If you could see the amount of coffee we get through in our house, you would think there was enough for a family of five to drink - and I only have about three cups of coffee a week! My boyfriend needs at least three in the morning to be able to function properly throughout the day. And, as he is a mechanical technician, I thought a robot would be appropriate - plus he is soooo cute! - the robot, not the boyfriend...

JoeSeph's Whiskey Popcorn
My boyfriend is a whiskey drinker, and he appreciates good whiskey, so I thought why not bring the two things he loves, whiskey and food, into one gift. Plus, whiskey flavoured popcorn was too interesting to pass up, and tastes surprisingly nice!

I did also consider going down the technology route, as my boyfriend is a little bit of a geek! Using this idea, I guest posted on The British Gent - which you can find by following the link above (due to go live on Wednesday 6th April 2015)! Le me know in the comments below what you think of these gifts, or what your male counter-parts think of these gifts!

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