Friday 15 May 2015

The Creative Blogger Award

I got nominated a while back for The Creative Blogger Award by the fabulous Harley of Shards of Glass and have only just managed to find the time to fit it in so I do apologise. For those of you who haven't heard of it before, the idea of The Creative Blogger Award is to share five facts about yourself that are either fun or interesting, and then nominate up to fifteen fellow bloggers or vloggers to do the let's get learning.

Five Facts About Me...

1 | I am an incredibly indecisive person, both in small things and big things. For example, if I'm going on a night out, or even just out for the day it takes me half an hour, at least three clothes changes and a few inner-tantrums to decide what to wear. On a bigger scale, I suppose my university life is also incredibly indecisive. I originally wanted to do Graphic Design as a degree until the end of GCSE's, then I wanted to do Art, until I got into my second year of A-Levels, and when I eventually came to university I started doing Architecture. I wasn't sure if I liked all the science behind it in my first year, so I dropped out and decided to go back and do Architecture again the following September. Two years down the line, I decided that Architecture really wasn't for me, and went back to college to study Criminology. Three years down the line, and here we are, as I'm getting ready to graduate in a degree of Criminology and Psychology. Although, I wasn't always going to stick with this course. I worked in a kitchen for a time when I was in my second year on this course, and for a good two weeks I'd convinced myself that I no longer wanted to be a psychologist, I wanted to be a there we have it. Indecisiveness 101.

2 | As you can probably tell from fun fact number one, I'm a bit of a waffler. I'm very good as waffling on about random things, which is fine and all, until it comes to education it seems. Numerous times I have received feedback to get to the point and stop creating such vast, unnecessary insights into my facts eating into my word count limits. It go so bad at one point when I was in school that whilst we were putting together our portfolios for my A2 Art, my teacher actually took all my pens and pencils off me and banned me from using them for a whole lesson saying that I needed to do more sketches rather than just getting lost in explaining what I wanted to do!

3 | I'm a tenpin bowler. A lot of people know this out of the blogging world, but not that many inside it know about me being a bowler. I have been bowling since I went to a friends birthday party when I was 4 and asked my Dad if for my 5th birthday a few weeks later, he could take me to a bowling club. Three years later I entered my first ever competition and won a 2nd place trophy, but they gave me the men's trophy as we had to enter in teams and if you entered as a mixed team you were in the same category as the boys team. First trophy #win - in your faces sporty boys! I went on to represent my county over different age groups, and even won a few competitions. I also qualified for the England Team trials a number of years, but one of my best experiences was the first time I went to Barcelona when I was fourteen and entered an Adult International competition - I even got a piece done about me on their website as I was the youngest international competitor!

4 | I am a closet gamer. I love it all! I watch the Yogscast and Hat Films and Seananners and tons of other gaming channels on YouTube, and play all sorts of games. I'm a proper geek at heart, but I also love fashion, beauty and all things girly. I'm like two extremes in one - and I LOVE IT!

5 | I am an appalling speller. Like, seriously. I struggle a lot with spelling, and I always have. My parents even took me to a private middle school entrance exam when I was going into Year 4 in primary school and I got told my spelling was appalling. I'm so grateful for 99% of the writing I need to do being on a computer, because without things like spell check, I'm not sure anyone would be able to understand a word I'm saying!

Bonus Fact | I couldn't leave this's too hilarious. One of the things that I'm scared of more than anything in the entire world is Zombies. Like, I actually believe they are real and exist somewhere in the world. It's a condition called Kinemortophobia, meaning the fear of the walking dead. It's so bad I can't even look at someone dressed up as a zombie for Halloween, so even stand someone doing an impression of a zombie as a joke. It absolutely terrifies me, as in all my hairs stand on edge and my chest feels tight and I find it hard to breathe and hold back tears! One time when I was at work on Halloween, working on a reception desk as a bowling alley (yes, I did the classic bowler move of working in a bowl at some point in my lifetime), a group of teenagers came in dressed as zombie cheerleaders and American football players and I couldn't stay on reception. I started to hyperventilate and had to go to the toilets until the other receptionist had put them on the lanes that can't be seen from reception. I was also meant to finish work half an hour after they had started bowling, but ended up staying an extra two hours until they had left the building through fear of walking past them to get down to the staff locker rooms.

So that's it...five, plus a bonus, facts about me! I'm only going to nominate ten people, rather than fifteen, as I'm so late doing this everyone has done it already! If I nominate you and you have already done it, sorry, just pop me a link in the comments as I'd love to give them a read!

Milly // Seven Seas Away
Lauren // Blonde Vision
Ellie // Just Ellie
Constance // Conk's Canister

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