Sunday 20 September 2015

10 Things I Dislike | The Love/Hate Tag

Now that you have discovered ten things that I absolutely love and couldn't live without (here), why not find out some things that I don't like that much? Continuing on with The Love\Tag Tag which I was nominated for by the stunning Phoebe of Phoebe Giggles, I go through ten things that certainly don't make the grade when it comes to things I like, be it personality traits, foods, objects or situations! As with life, there are things we like and things we don't, so if there is something on my 'dislike' list that you in fact like, good on you for being a better person than I for being able to find something good in the things I can't. Don't forget to check out my nominations at the end of this post as well and see if you are nominated and read everyone else's tags.
The Rules // ...are simple. List ten things that you love and ten things that you don't, giving reasons for each, then, nominate ten other bloggers or friends to complete the tag on their blogs!

Ten Things I Dislike

Delusional People // You know when you watch a programme like Toddlers & Tiaras or XFactor and you always have that one contestant or family member that runs their mouth about how they are the best thing since sliced bread and when something doesn't go their way they act like a complete diva? Or people who expect something from others just because of who perceive themselves to be? Those people irritate the life out of me. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, by all means, but there are just those types of people who think they are better because they are thinner or more talented in one area of their lives that put other people down because of it that I can't stand.

Marzipan // Who ever thought that putting a slimy almond flavoured layer to a cake was a good idea? It's not that I don't like almonds, they are a good nut! It's just something about the change in flavour of almonds when it comes to marzipan that makes it so overpowering.

Bees & Wasps // I've been stung by both bees and wasps multiple times - mainly because I have a panic attack when they are around which inevitably irritates them. It's not their fault, I know that, but I can't help but panic when they are around. I got stung for the first time by a bee when I was seven years old on my neck when I didn't realise one had landed on my shoulder and put my rucksack on while on a walk - big mistake. Well, short version of the story I ended up crying my eyes out on a public toilet floor hyperventilating and have never been the same since...

Job Hunting // An inevitable task for the majority of the population, and I'm sure a few out there will agree with me that job hunting is one of the most depressing tasks of life. I love dressing up for the interviews, but I can't help but feel that it's all a little deflating. I'm not blaming the companies, or the interviewers, as I can imagine having to sift through tons of CVs and applications is time consuming and you can't tell everybody when they aren't successful in getting a job, but even a mass email would be nice. But, that's not the thing that irritated me most - what does is that every job you seem to go for these days wants experience, even down to an application I filled in for a checkout person at a supermarket asking for at least two years experience on tills for a task that, and I'm sorry if this is your job, but anyone could do. How is anyone, young or older, meant to get a career in this day and age if everywhere, even the most simplistic job roles, ask for experience - news flash - I can't get the experience unless you hire me for the job you want experience for! I don't know...maybe it's just my infuriated first proper job university graduate side talking.

 Know-It-Alls // We all have that one person we know that thinks that they know everything about everything, and even when they are wrong try and make out like they were testing you or that they were just muddled for a second and did really know what you were talking about. It's ok to be wrong sometimes, not everyone can know everything. It doesn't make you stupid if you don't know ten facts about the Himalayas - everyone has their strengths and everyone has their weaknesses, and teaching each other about things that the other doesn't know is part of what makes us human.

Shallowness // Having been plus size for as long as I can remember, I went through a lot of bullying at school because of the way I looked, and when it came to teenage years and boys became a part of my life, it certainly took its toll. Everyone goes through it, not just plus size people, but everyone has that one time where they felt they were being bullied or shunted because of they way they looked. One of my most recent experiences is when I went away with some of my friends to Malia for an 18-30's holiday (never again!). We met a group of guys from Manchester in our hotel and started talking as a group. I soon came to the realisation after, out of the group of six guys, only one actually said a word to me, that clearly because I was the fat friend that I wasn't worth their time. One of the guys was lovely and apologised for his friends and chatted away, but the other five would move my sun lounger out the way of my friends so they could sit next to them and would offer drinks to my friends and not me and even on one occasion I heard one of them ask my friend why she had bothered to come on holiday with a fat girl and if I was here so she would score more. Ask yourselves - what makes a person - because I would certainly rather spend the rest of my life with someone who made me laugh and smile than was pretty but an awful person and boring.

Being Woken Up // This is more of a pet peeve, and usually only on week days. I don't mean by my alarm either, which I don't mind as it's essential. It's more being woken up unnecessarily that I dislike. Where I currently live near a town centre, I inevitably hear drunken locals and students shouting their way down my street in the early hours of the morning, which on a Friday or Saturday night I don't mind because I know I can usually sleep in the next day, but when it's a Sunday to Thursday evening when most people have to be at work the next day, inconsiderate people who blast their music out with all their windows open until 3am really annoy me, although nothing can compare to when, on a Wednesday evening in a residential area, my next door neighbours had the police called out on them twice because they were playing dubstep until 7am - it literally shook my house it was that loud! Have some consideration for others.

Traffic Jams // This is something that at some point every driver in today's society will have to deal with - and I swear it's getting worse. Whilst bad drivers almost made this list, traffic jams, mainly those on the motorways caused by bad drivers, had to make this list. There is nothing worse on the roads that being stuck in a traffic jam, especially on the motorway when you're at a stand still and there is that one idiot who is trying to weave their way around the traffic to get to their destination two seconds earlier than they would have done if they stayed still and that other idiot with all their windows down blasting out appalling music.

"Followers" // I don't mean the Twitter or Instagram kind, I mean people who don't have the balls to have their own opinion and become minions to other people (mainly the first kind of people I discussed). I'm sure they are lovely people and have great personalities for themselves, but I can't help but feel sorry for and feel like I don't have time for followers unless they have the balls to step out and be their own person. Today's society is so accepting, nobody should have to feel like they need to pretend to be something their not. To all the people out there or bully others, jump on the band wagon or simply feel miserable for pretending to be someone they aren't - get out of it! Be your own person. This one is more of a plea for nice people to stop feeling pressured to be nasty than a hate.

Drying My Hair // It's a catch 22 in my life. I love having long hair, and I want it to be longer and thicker, but I can't stand blow-drying my hair, and if I leave it to dry by itself it's so flat! When I had short hair and it only took five minutes to dry it was fab, but I hated not having long hair. Now I have my long hair back, I wish it didn't take half an hour to get looking presentable!

Let me know in the comments below if any of the things on my list are a pet peeve or dislike of yours as well. Don't get me wrong, I know this post has been a lot of moaning and ranting and I'm not expecting everyone to have the same opinions as me. As I said before, if you like some of the things on this list or can relate to some of them, I wish I could be as accepting and optimistic as you on those things. Be you, and nobody else.

My Nominations:

If you have already done the tag, I apologise, just link in the comments below!
Kirsty ... Kirsty Ralph
Emmie ... CarpeDiemEmmie
Sam ... Coco Butter Blog
Constance ... Conk's Canister
Beth ... Beth Blogs Beauty
Charlotte ... Black & White Sheeps
Becky ... Pretty & Petit
Lauren ... Sweetened Sour
Aisling ... Aisling's Beauty Bytes
Amanda ... Amanda Bootes


Emma's Grimoire said...

Woo, i dont like marzipan either, its disgusting!

Unknown said...

I know right - I wouldn't mind if it didn't over power the taste of the rest of the cake haha :P x

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