Saturday 19 September 2015

10 Things I Love | The Love/Hate Tag

The amazing Phoebe from Phoebe Giggles nominated me a couple of weeks ago to do the Love/Hate Tag, and I have finally managed to get around to it after a week off ill! Tags are one of the things that I first started doing when I started blogging to get some information about me out there and really put myself out there on the page for all to see and connect with on some level, so I'm always really excited when someone nominates me for a tag post, especially one which is so brutally honest - I love sharing the things that I not only think are amazing, but also sharing the things which I don't particularly like, as that's part of life, and blogs which only share the good and pretend that the bad doesn't exist are a complete no-no in my books!

The Rules // ...are simple. List ten things that you love and ten things that you don't, giving reasons for each, then, nominate ten other bloggers or friends to complete the tag on their blogs!

Ten Things I Love

Candles // My home is absolutely stuffed full of candles of all shapes, sizes and scents - especially Yankee Candles, which I adore. I'm slowly burning through a stunning Waikiki Melon scented Yankee Candle and a very calming Orange Gingersnap scented Trilogy Candle from WoodWick.

LUSH // One of my all time favourite stores is Lush. The scents, the natural products, the philanthropy - everything adds up to create a unique and exciting shop which always has something new for me to discover. I don't think there has ever been anything from Lush I have purchased that I didn't like. I especially love their bath bombs and face masks which are so relaxing, although I'm especially loving their Tea Tree Water which is a fabulous cleanser and toner.

Antique Warehouses // As soon as I can afford a deposit on a house and have a place that I can call my own home that I can decorate (I can't wait to get out of rented accommodation!) it will most certainly be filled with random antiques and vintage furniture. I absolutely love going around second hand and antique shops, especially the giant warehouses which have all these incredible pieces of furniture. Two that I have never been disappointed by and always found something interesting at is Adobe in Wolverhampton and The Malt House Emporium in Stroud - one of my all time favourite second hand finds being at The Malt House Emporium where I found this stunning miniature staircase...

People Who Make The Best Of Every Situation // People who are supportive, and optimistic and always seem to make the best of every day are an inspiration to me. When I was going through high school, I was bullied a lot, and I found it difficult to be optimistic, so I was always jealous of people who, even in sticky situations seemed to always be able to problem solve and make everything positive again. Over the years jealousy has moved to inspiration and being optimistic is something I try to do all the time.

Going Home // I love going back to Wolverhampton. Since leaving home at 18 and going away to university in Leeds, and now settling to start my own family life in Cheltenham, I feel like I have become so much more independent and grown up, but I still love going home and cuddling on the sofa with the animals and spending time going shopping with my Mum and going on photography trips with my Dad and visiting the rest of my family and old friends in Wolverhampton. I especially love going home at Christmas time when my house is covered in snow and there's a massive tree and the house smells like fruit cake.

Gaming // Most people don't know or see this side of my, but I am a massive geek when it comes to gaming. I love all things Minecraft, Indie, RPG - I love it all! As with a number of beauty and fashion bloggers, you will find subscriptions such as Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Dope2111 and Grav3yardgirl on my YouTube, you will find that the most watched channels are those of gamers such as the Yogscast, especially Hat Films, SeaNanners, The Diamond Minecart. I love playing games on my computer, as well as board games which I will play at any opportunity I get. I never used to like gaming until I reached my early twenties, always too busy bowling and messing around with makeup, until my boyfriend, Peter, introduced me to BlueXephos on YouTube and I instantly fell in love with the world of gaming.

Friends & Family // I have an incredibly supportive, kind and slightly crazy family who I couldn't imagine life without, and the same goes for my friends. I have made so many friends from a variety of places, from societies at university, from bowling, from work and from home, but the best of the best are those special few who I could never live without and would trust with anything, including my life; Ally - my best and oldest friend who I swear is as crazy as me and I have some amazing memories with, Sarah - an incredible friend who I have shared some of my best memories with, Kirsty - my best friend in the blogging world and the bowling world along with Nicky and Louise, Nicki and Chloe - the girls who made life working bearable and who I will never loose contact with and who I can't wait to visit Leeds again to see.

Sarah and Me (top left), Me and Ally (top right), Nicki, Me and Chloe (bottom left), Me, Louise, Nicky, Rachel and Kirsty (bottom right)

Rain // I absolutely love the rain - I'm such a kid when it comes to rain, getting my wellies on and wading through all the puddles and splashing about (one time even getting a paddling pool outside my friends flat in the rain). I also love the grass in the morning with dew on an the smell of everything after it's rained.

Baking & Cooking // Whilst I'm not the best at cooking and baking, I love it. I find it really relaxing and love experimenting with random bits and bobs in the kitchen. I'm just waiting for that one opportunity to be able to make a cake extravaganza. I recently started watching How To Cake It on YouTube, where the fabulous Yolanda Gampp makes incredibly shaped cakes. The cakes that I have been most proud of were some Marvel and DC cupcakes I made for Peter's birthday a few years ago, with each cake showing the logo for a different superhero.

Animals // Pets have always been a big part of my family life, growing up with three cats and four fish. When I was ten we got our first dog, a gorgeous West Highland White Terrier called Harry (I was a major Harry Potter fan back then - who am I kidding?! I still am!), and a stunning Somali called Daisy. Daisy had five kittens when I was 14, of which we kept two, Ginge (a ginger cat - original, I know) and Minnie (because she looked just like my Mum). When I went to university I missed my animals so much, I had a total of six fish over the first few years of being in Leeds, and eventually two years ago, about the same time my parents brought two Alpacas, Ian and Isaac (sadly Isaac died and we found Ian a new friend, Jupiter), I got two gerbils, Felix and Patch. So, yeah, you could say my family are pretty animal crazy! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the 12 amazing Koi Carp my Dad has had for the past four years! Over the past few months we have lost Isaac to horses, Harry to old age, Patch to wet-tail and Minnie to cancer, and each one of them was devastating to me. I can't wait to have a big house of my own where I can look after loads of animals, however much Pete doesn't want more than one!

Check out Part 2 of my Love/Hate Tag by clicking here to see the 10 Things I Dislike (hate is such a strong word) and my nominations... Don't forget to check out Phoebe's tag here!


Emma's Grimoire said...

I love animals too =]

Unknown said...

:) do you have any pets? I couldn't live in a house without an animal! x

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this photo of all of us. It's been too long since we were all together. We have to have a catch up xx

Unknown said...

We so do, its been wayyyy too long! I can't wait for this 6 month wait to be over so I can bowl again x

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