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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Featured Photographer | Paul McKenzie

I wanted to do something different on my blog, and start a series. Photography is something I'm passionate about, and something that I unfortunately don't have the time to pursue as much as I would like to. I get this creative pre-set from my Dad, it seems, as he too is fascinated by photography and is very good at photoshop and composition, so what better photographer to feature on a post than my Dad, Paul McKenzie.

Paul McKenzie has been taking photographs in a more professional sense for the past two years or so, joining the Tettenhall Wood Photographic Club two seasons ago. He has shown massive improvement in his photographs, and recently created an outstanding portfolio of photographs from his travels around India. 

I love my Dad's photographs, not just because he is my Dad! I love the use of HDR and the shading, making each image look as though it is in a high definition alternate world where colours are more beautiful. Each image, unlike some photographers, tells a story, and has a different feeling radiating from it, whether it's of people or nature alike.

Paul McKenzie Photography | Favourite Images

"A Woman's Work Is Never Done" // India

"Dungarees Boat Blue" // Dungeness 

"Hindu Priest" // India

"Rhododendron Dream" // Scotland

Please leave in the comments below your opinions of this photography (don't hold back just because he is my Dad!). I'm hoping to continue this series every few weeks, so let me know in the comments also whether you want to see more of this kind of series?

All photographs are property of Paul McKenzie, and can be found at

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